Introduction to HTML

Newsletter editor
J.R. Brown
JimquickPost News, Jumquick, CT 01234
Tel (123) 456 7890

This is Heading 1

This is Heading 2

This is Heading 3

This is Heading 4

This is Heading 5
This is Heading 6

Here is some text
February 8, 1995, CERN

Pease porridge hot
Pease porridge cold
Pease porridge in the pot
Nine days old.

This Heading Precedes the Paragraph

This is the text of the first paragraph.

This is the text of the second paragraph. Although you do not need to start paragraphs on new lines, maintaining this convention facilitates document maintenance.

This is the text of a third paragraph.

This is an example line.

I think the poem ends

Soft you now, the fair Ophelia. Nymph, in thy orisons, be all my sins remembered.

but I am not sure.

This is the definition of the first term.
This is the definition of the second term.

This is the first definition in compact format.
This is the second definition in compact format.

  • A-H
  • I-M
  • M-R
  • S-Z

  • First item in the list.
  • Second item in the list.
  • Third item in the list.

    1. Click the Web button to open the Open the URL window.
    2. Enter the URL number in the text field of the Open URL window. The Web document you specified is displayed.
    3. Click highlighted text to move from one link to another.

    The Citation element specifies a citation; typically rendered as italics.

    The Code element indicates an example of code

    The Emphasis element indicates typographic emphasis

    typically rendered as monospaced

    The Sample element indicates a sequence of literal characters

    indicates strong typographic emphasis

    The Variable element indicates a variable name

    text should be rendered in boldface

    text should be rendered in italic font

    text should be rendered in fixed-width typewriter font

    Sample Questionnaire

    Please fill out this questionnaire:

    Your name:



    Number in family:

    Cities in which you maintain a residence:


    Thank you for responding to this questionnaire.

    Kurt Gödel was a famous logician and mathematician

    first highlighted phrase non highlighted text second highlighted phrase etc.

    The text shown here is rendered in the document as underlined.

    1. Click the Web button to open the Open the URL window.
    2. Enter the URL number in the text field of the Open URL window. The Web document you specified is displayed.
    3. Click highlighted text to move from one link to another.

    This means all the text between the start and end of the elements cannot have line breaks inserted.

    The WBR element stands for Word BReak. This is for the very rare case when a NOBR section requires an exact break.

    changes the font size to 4 changes the font size to + 2

    Hello, this is a centred heading

    Hello, this is a right aligned heading

    Hello, this is a left aligned heading

    All of this paragraph
    is left

    All of this
    is centered

    All of this
    is right